It's that time right now. For the Bellflower Pathfinder Club Investiture Sabbath. Our own Pathfinder Club is inducting new members into the club and giving us announcements into their future plans for the club.
Make note that the club is still raising funds to it's members in order to allow all their members to go to the Pathfinder Camporee that will be held next year in 2024 at Gilette Wyoming. For more information please contact Mr. Ashely Palill, EJ Vencer, or Joy Amargo for more information about that.
Our Sabbath this morning is blessed with our own pastor from the White Memorial SDA Church and who used to be our Youth Associate Pastor here at the Bellflower SDA Church, Pastor Kevin Morris.

On another note, the Bellflower SDA Church will be preparing for our annual Christmas Program next month. If you are interesting in joining the choir and anything with the program, contact Mrs. Louella Stephens.